Online presentation and video streaming for top class lecturer of yoga

Timeless video streaming

Zuzka has a big following audience loving her lessons. She wanted to give them space, where they can watch her videos, cook by recipes, get motivated and learn about yoga. LINK-V Timeless Web service was a perfect choice.

Since our Timeless Web is an affordable service, Zuzka has bigger earnings with her own website then on any other video platform.

About Zuzka Klingrova

Zuzka Klingrova is top class yoga teacher and lecturer. She has studied yoga all over the world and built a very big following audience. Her classes are always sold out, often months in advance.

Zuzka's needs in technology are to accommodate still growing amount of people wanting to learn from her, present her activities and manage studios, which LINK-V helps.

Managing subscribers

Zuzka's video streaming website has subscribers management completed with searching, favorites, different options of membership and payment processing. Where is automation not enough, our Timeless' free support always helps.

Graphic design

Yoga lecturer must be represented as a beautiful and calm being to induce positive feelings. Before people come to a lesson or subscribe to a video streaming membership, they interact for a long time with their website. So we carefully drafted and drawn a graphic web design for Zuzka's personal website, her video streaming platform and studio.

Graphic design

Yoga lecturer must be represented as a beautiful and calm being to induce positive feelings. Before people come to a lesson or subscribe to a video streaming membership, they interact for a long time with their website. So we carefully drafted and drawn a graphic web design for Zuzka's personal website, her video streaming platform and studio.